We are racing towards the end of the year! A race for finishing up all those financial statements. Making sure that there are no-more HR challenges or putting to rest the current labor issues as we experienced in the case of SAA. Getting Mr. “Cole” seated in his position of driving ESKOM out its severe challenges. And so the list goes on and on. Sitting down and contemplating our current reality I wondered what the wish would be that I can send out into the atmosphere towards everyone facing these challenges at a time of year where festivities should be in the mind of all or supposed to?
This answer lies within the research that is currently occupying my mind … How can we be more connected and live towards a greater realization of success in 2020? I established that connectedness should be on three different levels:
- Connected to myself
- Connected to others and
- Connectedness on a transcendental level.
The fact of the matter is that most of us fail in connecting to ourselves! Our awareness within ourselves has become so depleted that we go into a mechanistic mode with the hope that all goes well. In this, we are gaining in all the other dimensions on profitability but we are losing ourselves. The travesty is that if we cannot connect to ourselves there is no hope for the remaining two levels of connectedness. My gift to you lies in a simple story. This is the story of a priest that walked through the streets during the Russian revolution.
He was stopped by an angry soldier and confronted with three questions:
- Where are you going
- Why are you going there and
- What is the route you will follow to get there.
The priest somewhat surprised asked him “How much do they pay you to stop people and ask them these questions”. His answer, “10 Kopeks”, and the priest responded, “I will pay you 50 Kopeks if you ask me those questions every day.”
May you have a moment of silence and confront yourself with this gift:
- Where are you going
- Why are you going there and
- What is the route you will follow to get there.